Poe 3.3 Duelist Builds for Gladiator, Champion, and Slayer

Path Of Exile Date: May/26/18 15:30:22 Views: 6091

The PoE Duelist is Path of Exile's strength/ ability hybrid class, making him unmatched at dealing and avoiding harm. He can correctly use a shield but is equally comfy slashing away with a strong two-hander or fighting with weapons in each hand. His powerful arms can draw the strings of the most massive and most lethal longbows. His very honed reflexes give him a cat-like capability to dodge and parry incoming attacks, be they arrows or Axe swings. The Duelist is a daunting foe, and his reputation as a ruthless killer is effectively deserved. Within this Post, U4GM Will share Poe 3.3 Duelist Builds for Gladiator, Champion, and Slayer for you.


Poe 3.3 Duelist Builds for Gladiator, Champion, and Slayer


NO.1 [PoE 3.3 Slayer Build] Amazing Single Target DPS Oni-Goroshi, Blade Flurry, Embrace the Madness Slayer Build

This Build Even with low budget gear this build has excellent evident speed, amazing single target DPS, and high survivability. This Build was lucky to get two swords in about 6-7 hours of farming, and they were strictly identical, so This Build decided to have one for map clearing and one for single target and to swap according to the situation.
This Build chose Reave for clearing because This Build had never tried this skill before and with the recent up in AoE it seemed to be able to Clear almost the entire screen without moving. Single target skill is going to be Blade Flurry because This Build has done many builds on it and as it isn't my favorite skill, it has fantastic single target DPS.
The character is a Slayer because its leech capabilities will make it easier to handle the damage from Her Embrace. It also has a lot of cool things: 20% culling strike, immune to bleeding and stun while leeching, onslaught, more damage if you've killed recently.
For numbers take a look at my PoB: 7000 HP / 80% crit chance / 1 M DPS on Shaper with realistic setup / 50% movement speed / Less than ten Poe exalted orb one month after league start.

+ good clear speed
+ amazing single target DPS melts bosses
+ invincible in uber lab
+ budget friendly because you get your 6L for free
+ Slayer ascendancy + Her Embrace makes you immune to almost everything
+ can do all content (99% of it)
+ very high leech will let you Facetank a lot of things

- can't do these map mods :
- no leech
- no regen
- 60% less recovery
- elemental reflect
- physical reflect (unless you can equip Sibyl's Lament)

Soul of Lunaris for the reduced physical damage taken and increased movement speed while mapping
Soul of Solaris will be great for bosses (mainly if there are no adds)
Soul of Arakawa for the reduced DoTs damage if your leech isn't high enough
Soul of Gruthkul with captured Erebix to reduce attack speed of mobs and bosses

Lab Enchants
Attack and Cast speed if you have killed recently (good all around)
Damage penetrates resistances if you haven't killed recently (only suitable for bosses)
Ancestral Protector grants increased attack speed
Blade Flurry increased damage
Blood Rage grants increased attack speed
Or any reduced mana reserved to be able to drop Enlighten
Pick one you like because gloves enchant are pretty much useless for this build (and I got spiked gloves, so I don't want to overwrite the explicit on them)

Leveling Guides
Get Frost Blades at first and use it with Ancestral Call + whatever support gems you want/need
- It's ok to have a single target skill in your swap weapon too
- If you have a Tabula put Ancestral Warchief in it with support gems you get from the vendor
- Reave is level 12, get it as soon as you can and start leveling it
- Upgrade/Add support gems as you level
- Don't invest in critical strikes too early because you won't be able to handle the damage from Her Embrace
- Always try to cap your fire resistance so Her Embrace does not too much damage
- Started the tree with all those useless points you need to take to get to the interesting ones : http://poeurl.com/bJPU
- Mana and life leech are useless during leveling because your damage is too low get anything from leech. Use warlord's mark instead with blasphemy
- Then get life nodes (your 6L skill in sword will do enough damage to not care about taking damage nodes right now) : http://poeurl.com/bJPV
- Get Blade Flurry at level 28 in act 3
- Get the right colors on you Oni-Goroshi sockets in action 4 when you all the right support gems become available
- Do the lab as soon as possible, with the appropriate life pool and your DPS it's effortless
- Now you have to take some damage nodes to get access to the other life nodes : http://poeurl.com/bJPX
- Get more damage and some mana/life leech : http://poeurl.com/bJPY
- From here get the nodes you need: damage if you feel your Damage is low, life leech if you think your damage will give you enough life or if Her Embrace does too much damage, accuracy if it gets under 89%.
- Don't get Vaal Pact before maps it's not needed, get crit nodes in the end when you ascendancy and leech can sustain your life even with high damage from Her Embrace

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/EPySZZ8C
Skill tree: http://poeurl.com/bJPw
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2072492

NO.2 [PoE 3.3 Champion Build] Very fun and Demonic Reave MTX looks fantastic Champion Build

When you look for "Top Tier" in a build which has many requirements that must meet. It must be fun and engaging, not cost an extraordinary amount of Poe currency, and can be a league starter with the ability to do all content later on as you upgrade and invest in your character. On top of this, it must have fast movement or move skills and not have to worry about any weird issues that ruin builds for you
All in all, finding a build that suits me and has all of these things can be a tall order to fill. Luckily I have perfected the second build in my series that fits all the criteria. The reave/blurry real champion build which suits me just as perfectly! Hope you all enjoy!

+ Very fun and engaging build to play
+ Demonic Reave MTX looks amazing!
+ Very fast pace build
+ Incredible movement speed with whirling blades
+ Very decent are clear
+ One of the best single target gems in the game
+ Great evasion/dodge/dmg reduction
+ Free 100% accuracy with ascendancy class
+ Free fortify on 100% of the time
+ Stun immune
+ Can do almost all map mods
+ Able to do all content
+ Amazing defensive capabilities
+ Easy/Cheap to gear with room for lots of improvements as you get more currency

- Ele Reflect OR Phys Reflect maps are NOT possible
- Can not leech maps are NOT possible
- Can be decently expensive to fully min/max yourself for endgame gear

Leveling Guides
- Cleave can be used to level the entire way until level 38 when you get multistrike. 4 Link it when you can with onslaught, melee physical damage, and Maim.
- Set up a four-link Blade flurry for single target with melee Phys dmg, Conc effect, ELE dmg with attacks.
- Use any one hand rare weapon with the flattest Phys dmg on it. Crit/Attack speed doesn't matter much at this point though I hate slow Weapons personally. Base does not matter at all here either. Claws, Swords, Daggers w/e, is excellent during EARLY leveling. Once you need leech, you need to have a Claw for soul raker passive.
- Use ornament of the east claw as soon as you can and upgrade to Bloodseeker claw as soon as you can after that.
- For armor pieces (helm/chest/boots/gloves etc.) try to get a right amount of res and any life you can.
- Use a mana flask until your mana leech is good enough to sustain your skill. Especially for boss fights in which you will run out of mana quickly.
- Along with your normal leveling uniques such as Goldrim, wanderlust, tabla, etc.

Pob Link: https://pastebin.com/VggYRSnF
Skill Tree: https://tinyurl.com/yd2pzxva
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129351

NO.3 [PoE 3.3 Gladiator Build] Very fun Tanky HC Crit Kinetic Blast Gladiator

Lycosidae gives us 100% chance to hit which is good for hitting critical strikes. Corona Solaris gives us a free blind aura, increased crit if the enemy is blinded and added fire damage. Thief's Torment for sustaining mana and have crazy life gained on hit. Belly of the Beast for more Life or Queen of the Forest for more evasion and bit more resistance.

+ Tanky.
+ Easy to hit max block by block.
+ strong against bosses that have walled rooms.
+ Very fun.

- Can't run physical or elemental reflect.
- Terrible for bosses that don't have walls.

Bandits: Kill All for two passive points.

Leveling Guides:
You can level as sunder or as a wanderer, depends on your playstyle.
At level 2 Grab an Onslaught gem.
At level 4 Grab a Decoy Totem gem.
At level 12 Start using Storm Prison wand, Lycosidae shield, and Barrage skill gem.
At level 24 Grab yourself a Wrath gem and an Assassin's Mark gem.
At level 30 Equip a Thief's Torment ring which will help with sustaining mana and life and a Tywzel wand.
At level 34 Grab a Lightning Golem gem.
At level 38 Grab yourself Cast When Damage Taken gem and a Curse On Hit gem.
At level 59 Grab a Moonsorrow wand until you can afford a Corona Solaris.
At level 63 Use Corona Solaris until you can get your hands on a critical physical wand.

Skill Tree: https://tinyurl.com/y7x7qole
Pob Link: https://pastebin.com/dPZ99DhB
Example Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2147604


Usually, they are not worth the difficulty for factors that are adequate in the extended run. Though they're valuable for players who may possibly know nothing about the game. For one of the most portion, they are finding out tools for novices to ease them into the game. For far more Path of exile 3.3 Builds, you can stop by U4GM.com.

PoE 3.3 Builds Related News And Guides
Poe 3.3 Duelist Builds for Gladiator, Champion, and Slayer

The Duelist is Path of Exile's strength/dexterity hybrid class, creating him unmatched at dealing and avoiding damage. He can correctly use a shield but is equally comfortable slashing away having a powerful two-hander or fighting with weapons in each hand.

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