When Team of the Week comes out (TOTW) Good players will drop in price. This is because people sell them desperate to make coins to buy the TOTW players. Usually Wednesday at around 5 or 6pm UK time.
BIG TIP – 1 month before Team Of The Year (TOTY) and Team Of The Season sell any player worth more than 1k. Then buy them back as the market crashes or buy the team that you want as prices will be at their lowest!
Have patience, if you want to make money quick you are going to need a lot of UT market knowledge or luck buying packs (not advised). If you are patient you can make a lot of money. Just buy squads and sell them after playing with them every night or so. Put them up for 6 hours with a higher starting price than paid and a bin a little more. IF THEY SELL BONUS IF NOT YOU STILL HAVE THEM. You will be surprised how much money you will make doing that every night. Then buy them back cheaper or buy other players. Don’t get stuck on favourite players or want to keep anyone until you have lots of coins.
Your defence should be formed of four no-nonsense defenders with strong physicality, positioning, heading and interceptions. Pace is not essential in this tactic because you’ll be sitting very deep and the opposition won’t have much room to dribble and move their way through.
Its never goes wasted to farming extra coins whenever you get a chance in FIFA Ultimate Team, there are a couple of methods to earn extra coins; most of which revolve around using trading exploits to your advantage. With your pockets flooding with these coins, you’ll be able to purchase the best ranked players and work your way to the squad of your dreams.
FIFA 15 launches on September 23 in North America, September 25 in Europe, and September 26 in the UK. Leading to its release, we will be revealing a number of lists pertaining to the best players in the game, every FIFA fan will want to know who to lookout for.
Today, we are proud to announce that our EA SPORTS IGNITE engine, powering all EA SPORTS titles on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, will now also run FIFA 15 on PC. The game hits stores and Origin this September.